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Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Painting, Preserving and Tidying...

Initial work on the side of the signal box is now complete. All old flaking paint has been burnt off and the surfaces sanded smooth.  This has been followed by a good coat of primer.  The next step is to fill all the imperfections prior to undercoating and glossing.  This process will ensure the box is water tight and protected for the future.  The remaining three sides will be treated the same way in due course.

The new seat that was erected by George and myself has now received it's final top coat of green paint.  This will be ready for use when completely dry and may be positioned in front of the sheds as there is no seating on that side of the site.

Speaking of the area in front of the sheds - Peter has spent some time investigating what was under the tarpaulin in that area.  This has now been sorted into rubbish and items worth storing properly for any future use.

Work has been started on the old picnic table to the rear of the heritage centre.  Young volunteer Tom has sanded all the timber and a first coat of preservative has been applied.  He will apply a second coat when next on site and this will protect it for the future and make it much more usable.

The second heritage centre door has had the exterior paint stripped and a first coat of primer has been applied.  Much more work to be carried out but at least it's started.


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