A busy day was had by the members who attended our workday this Sunday and they should be proud of what they achieved.
The day started out by tiding up the pavilion. The redecoration project in the pavilion started with the toilet, then headed for the main display area (which has been recently completed) and is now starting in the kitchen area. So with the recent worksite move, we felt things needed tidying. Dave is leading the project assisted by Peter and the young members and when the redecoration is complete, he will give a full report. Today he set about cutting the kitchen door in half for a serving hatch for the teas and coffees which will commence selling when we reopen. At the end of the day, the bottom half of the door was complete and the first ever drink was served (in reverse) over the counter (door). We also received a door (from Gavin Brooker) to go between the kitchen and the toilet (for hygiene purposes) which will be hung at a later date.
In the mean time, Peter, Dick, Jamie, Ben, James, Matthew, Josh and new member Colin continue the work with the cabling trench. The reason for this is to get power over to the far side of the site for future developments. I am pleased to announce that the trench was finished on the work day, and now awaits the electrical cable, which is being kindly donated by a local trade man.
Neil continued his gardening duties by doing some general trimming, completing a transplant of some plants that needed moving and he also started to apply some of the compost onto the flower beds. Compost has also been moved to the vegetable patch and will be turned in at a later date.
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