The end is in sight for the refurbishment and redecoration of the Heritage Centre.
The display area is now complete apart from the floor. When the other areas are finished this will be sanded down and decking oil or a similar product applied.
The toilet has already been completed and is much improved.
The kitchen area is well on the way...
The kitchen door has been cut in half and a small serving shelf created.

The kitchen has been redecorated and some new shelving put up (storage is always a problem).
The lighting has also been improved.

The new flooring has been started in the toilet lobby and kitchen. This will match the floor in the toilet itself.
Various other work has now been completed such as...
The new door and frame fitted between the kitchen and toilet lobby, as can be seen in the top photo.
The kitchen wall has been extended up to the ceiling, with provision made for access to the storage area above the toilet.
A new ceiling has been created in the toilet lobby. This is easily removed to also allow access to the storage area.
Still to be completed are...
Cleaning of the tiled areas including the grouting.
Sort out the low level cupboards and decorate inside. This may involve moving the under-sink water heater to one side to allow for more storage within that cupboard.
Other various "snagging" problems.
The whole building should look a great deal better when work is completed.
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