Myself and Dick were over the signal box today and we finished up with a great sense of achievement! A lot of work was completed and it moves us ever closer to reopening.

The first job I did today was to fix in place the fencing I had started on Friday. I then went on to add a piece of chain by the distant signal to complete this section of fence and to allow access onto the track for S&T and other workers. Further down the site I also altered another section of chain because the supports were not very sturdy. All that is left now is for the fencing to be painted white for a better appearance

In the mean time, Dick was getting on with some turfing to complete the area by the fence and around the ground frame.This turf had to be purchased (unlike the free turf we got fro the old school site) but it is the best looking grass we have on site. Dick then went on to move some older turf to round by the sheds and then added some turf by the new building. (I've made this sound like a 10 minuet job, but he actually spent all day on it, but it really makes the site look good, Well done)

After Lunch, I decided to stay out of the mid day sun (well that's my excuse) and used this time to reinstate the Oxted display. This is an old signal box diagram and some bells which have been linked to a computerised simulator and it just runs a couple of simple train movements every 5 minuets. It adds an atmosphere to the pavilion and also makes the diagram look more interesting.
After this I went on to add some fencing around the ground frame to stop people wondering into the area where the signals are moving. This has been done with a combination of chain and ridged fencing. It sounds like we are putting up a lot of barriers with all this fencing going on, but its a safety requirement we sadly have to fulfill. (I also turned the levers around so they are now facing the right way and the ground frame is ready to be connected)
Last night, Gavin and I were over the signal box (we should have a revolving door put in) and constructed a very sturdy stand for the searchlight signal to sit on. This will allow people to view the operation of the signal in the Cowley bridge building and also not end up underneath the very heavy signal. (In all the excitement, I forgot to get any photos)
Also, our hot off the press leaflets were delivered today and they really make the signal box look great!! Look out for them in a tourist information center near you!!
All in all a good day!!