Should this sign read "Beware Of Volunteers"?
Only Joking!
First and foremost I do hope everyone has had a lovely festive season and that 2025 will be good to you all. Are you like me and really find it hard to believe that it is 2025 already? It seems the older I get the faster time passes.
Now, this time of year things are pretty quiet at the signal box. The season kicks off again on Saturday the 18th January with the first open day. Things do happen in the background whilst we are closed to the public however.
Various repairs, servicing and maintenance will be going on in preparation for the year ahead. I was there this morning to carry out one or two jobs. One of these was to service and lubricate the garden railway rolling stock.
I also took the opportunity to have a practice operating Cowley Bridge. I didn't appear to crash anything and so hopefully I am getting the hang of it by now!
If anyone has anything to report or perhaps would like to post a photograph or two do get in touch. I'm sure there will be more articles and information posted here in due course.Best wishes to everyone.