After a lot of tidying by Peter, on last months open day, the area by the big shed was cleared of old metal work, old lawnmowers and general rubbish. Most of the waste was taken to the skip today so the area was ready for development. On todays open day, another row of slabs was added to the path, making it easier to walk down and allow wheel chair access to almost all of the site. This area has plans to be further developed by adding a grassed area with another bench allowing people to sit and look at the site from another angle.

In the nice weather we've been having, the weeds have been growing too well through the slabs. So to ensure the site stays in a presentable condition, Keith, very kindly went on weed duty and cleared the ground frame area of weeds. This should give us clear paths through the winter and for a good few months into the spring (weather dependent).
So all in all a very good heritage weekend. Well done to the site team for continuing to progress
the look and resources of the site (Keith, Dave.T, Jamie and Gavin). But an equally big thank-you to all the operators of the box (Peter, Neil, Dave.C, Jamie, Steve, Allen and Dick) some of whom spent most of the weekend talking or operating. We must also remember to thank Marion for taking members of the public around the site and telling them what's what, she must have done many laps of the site so she could walk it blindfolded. This just comes to show that without the different skills and abilities that we have at the signal box, we would not be in the state we are in today, everyone has their own way of helping, and we couldn't ask more of them.